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What Defines a Recurrent Cavity?

Posted on 9/20/2017 by Nancy Shiba DDS

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 Cavity Nancy Shiba, DDS CA 95116-1903
Do you have one problematic tooth in your mouth that constantly seems to have something going on with it? You may struggle with a recurrent cavity. This is when you have a tooth that gets treated for a cavity, then seems to get another cavity in it despite the treatment.

There are a few different things that can cause recurrent cavities. Here are some of the things to be aware of if you have a problematic tooth that does not seem to want to play by the rules.

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Common Causes of Recurrent Cavities

The most common cause of recurrent cavities is what is called microleakage. This is when a small hole has found a way through either your tooth or your treatment, such as your filling or crown. This leak, then allows bacteria to get under the original treatment, causing it to flare up again.

Another common cause of recurrent cavities is missing areas of your mouth when you clean it. Poor oral hygiene can do a number on your mouth, but causing recurring problems is just one of them. This is something that we can usually tell when we do a cleaning or an exam of the recurring problem.

Normally, when you have a recurrent cavity, it means having to have the original treatment removed while the cavity is tended to, then redone when the process is done. This can be annoying, time consuming, and painful.

To find out more about recurrent cavities, call us. We can look at the treatments you currently have in your mouth, and make sure they are all healthy and intact.

It can be difficult to notice a cavity beneath a filling, since they both look quite similar on x-rays. However, we have the training and expertise to ensure that we spot and treat these issues as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (669) 306-7669 today.

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In San Jose

Nancy Shiba, DDS

125 N Jackson Ave, Suite 103, San Jose, CA 95116-1903

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Tue: by appointment
Wed: 9AM–6PM
Thur: 9AM–3PM
Friday: 8AM–5PM
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Dental Blog • Nancy Shiba, DDS
Nancy Shiba, DDS, 125 N Jackson Ave, Suite 103, San Jose, CA 95116-1914; (669) 306-7669;; 9/2/2024